Do you want to sell or donate property that you believe has conservation value, to preserve it forever and possibly get a tax deduction in the process? Contact the Hopkinton Area Land Trust to tell us about your property and we may be able to help.
With 25 years of experience conserving land in Hopkinton, the Land Trust recognizes the central role private landowners play in the protection of our natural landscapes. We also understand that landowners face challenging decisions in fulfilling their vision for the land. If you are a landowner and are considering a conservation outcome for your property, the Land Trust can help.
By working with the Hopkinton Area land Trust, you can choose the most appropriate tool to protect your land. There are a number of options, including the sale or donation of a conservation easement that permanently restricts development; the sale, “bargain sale” or donation of your property; as well as several variations. The Land Trust can facilitate the transfer of fee-title, conservation easement or other interest in the land. We also encourage you to seek legal and financial advice to ensure that your decision fits your family’s long-term plans.
The Land trust can provide landowners with the personal attention needed to make the right decision for their property and see that their goals are realized.